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Internet Safety

Milford Police Department


1100 Atlantic Street
Milford, MI 48381

For Emergencies, Dial 911

Phone: 248.684.1815

Open 24 Hours

Milford Police Logo Final RGBThe internet is a beneficial tool in many ways, however, it can be a dangerous place if not used with proper caution. Below are some tips and recommendations to help keep internet users safe. If you are or believe you are a victim of an internet crime, visit the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center to file a report.

General Internet Safety
  1. Never share your passwords with anyone and always logout of any accounts you have logged into before leaving the terminal.
  2. Never give out identifying information.
  3. Never open attachments sent from people who you do not know.
  4. Never post locations including where you live, where you work, where your kids go to school, or where/when you will be on vacation.
  5. Never upload pictures of yourself onto the internet or to people that you do not know. 
  6. Never send money or account information to sources that are unknown or not validated.
  7. When connected to public Wi-Fi networks, do not conduct any sensitive business such as making online purchases, logging into banking accounts, or utilizing any sensitive personal information in any way.
  8. Do not open links that are suspicious or are from people you do not know.

Online Safety Tips for Minors
The internet is an especially dangerous place for children who may be most vulnerable to predators online. The following tips can help both parents and children to maintain privacy and safety while utilizing the benefits of the internet.

  1. Monitor online usage over cellphones, computers, and gaming devices. This is made easier when gaming devices and computers are located in central areas of your home and cellphones have restrictions placed on them.
  2. Establish clear guidelines for internet usage including how frequently it can be used and what sites may be visited. This can be further accomplished by blocking certain sites, setting up restricted use software, or simply creating a favorites tab that includes only the sites allowed to be visited. 
  3. Monitor all social media accounts and activity.
  4. Keep an open dialogue to discuss online safety and internet activities.
  5. Identify safe people for minors to discuss uncomfortable or potentially dangerous online incidents.

  1. Only use the internet with parental permission.
  2. Never arrange to meet someone you met online.
  3. Never share personal information about yourself or others.
  4. Do not participate in online bullying or harassment.
  5. Consult your parents or guardians if you ever feel uncomfortable or unsafe regarding something online.