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Snow Removal Information

Downtown (Winter 2018)
Snow Removal Operations on Public Roads
The Village of Milford Department of Public Services maintains a fleet of vehicles to plow snow and apply salt to public roadways within the Village.

Snow removal operations on public streets are governed by the Village's Winter Maintenance Operations Plan, adopted by Village Council on January 3, 2022. The plan outlines the general standards for winter maintenance operations in the Village of Milford. Circumstances unique to a particular storm may warrant adjustments to this plan by the Village administration.

Priority is given to emergency routes, bus routes, and major roads before residential streets are plowed. Depending upon the total snowfall, it can take Village staff anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days to clear all of the roads in the Village.

If you have questions about winter road maintenance, please contact the Department of Public Services at (248) 685-3055.

Private Property Snow Removal
Avoid the Second ShovelAll property owners or occupants of property fronting upon a sidewalk shall keep the entire width of the sidewalk free from all ice, snow, earth, and other substances.  Failure to remove such substances within 48 hours shall result in a violation of this article. Property owners/occupants may be ticketed and the Village will have the sidewalk cleared and bill the property owner.

Reference Village code of ordinances, Chapter 70 Article III Sec. 70-62